Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ho Hum...Yet Another Award for Raleigh and Cary North Carolina!

NY to NC

I was born and raised in New York City. But all too often, I find myself bragging about my new hometown of Apex, North Carolina. It's pretty easy to do so as Apex has been named numerous times as one of the best small towns in the country to live, work and raise a family. The schools are wonderful, the weather is great, there's great access to the Research Triangle Park, downtown Raleigh and all the shopping you could ever do.

I've been here for seven years now and except for my local New York sports teams, I don't miss a thing!

Well, here's another reason I love living in the Raleigh area:

According to the Bureau of Economic Research, Raleigh/ Cary (Apex is a suburb of both) were just voted the #2 cities in the country for salary growth with an average annual salary increase of 8.7%! Number one for those keeping score at home was Provo, Utah...but who wants to live there?!!!

From the article:

#2. Raleigh - Cary

Population: 375,806
Avg. salary increase: 8.7%

State government employment gives this capital city a sturdy backbone for economic security. High quality educational centers (North Carolina State; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) inject creative brainpower into Raleigh’s thriving tech companies and its growing biopharmaceutical sector – all good signs for strength in the coming year.

Another reason to celebrate!

Housing is still affordable here, taxes are low, the crime rate is well below the national average and Southern hospitality still exists here in the Raleigh area!

If 2009 is the year you're thinking of making the move this way, please visit my partner Linda and me on the web for all you'll need to know about the region.

Here you can create your own search for homes that meet YOUR needs, research the schools, and even compare where you currently live to our area!

And, please ask questions!

We check our email on an obsessive basis and you'll probably get an answer within a few minutes of asking your question!

To see the Raleigh - Cary - Apex area in pictures and to see some of the other awards our little patch of America has won recently follow this link:

Raleigh - Cary - Apex In Pictures

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