Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh no! I Forgot To Vote...And Now Look What Happened...

OK, the election is only days away. Surely we've all had enough of the talking points by the candidates.

Surely we've had enough of the pundits points of view and their constant analysis of everything and anything the candidates say.

But let's pretend for a moment that it's November 5th and I decided to have one of my "no shave, Real Estate free days. (Yes, I'm entitled to do that every now and then!)

The election is over. The winner is declared. And the outcome has been determined because I forgot to vote.

Could you imagine what that might be like? The fate of the country, for at least the next 4 years, rests on my shoulders because I just didn't take the time to vote.

How would you feel if this scenario happened to you?

What would your friends and family think?

Could you live with yourself?

Get out and VOTE on November 4th....or this could be you......

While I would love to see your comments, please remember that this blog is purely meant to inspire my readers to vote. I'm not endorsing any one particular candidate. I just thought the video was very well done and wanted to share it with my readers.

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